This lovely young woman is Xu Xian Mei. She is the current director of The Anqing Children's Welfare Institute...where my Hope spent the first eleven months of her life. This picture was snapped shortly after she exited the long awaited "Baby Van"...the van that carried not only my oldest daughter, but also the daughters of six other very impatient families who were waiting on pins and needles inside the lobby of The Novotel Hotel in Hefei. I didn't know who this elegant woman was...nor did I recognize the baby she was carrying as my own. But it would all become clear in a matter of moments.
That's Mme. Xu again, in the brown coat with her back towards the camera...holding Zhu Han her little pink Peter Rabbit outfit. The gentleman with his arm around Mme. Xu, is "Uncle Zhou"...he's kind of like my own version of American Express...I don't want to leave home for China without him...hired by our agency to take the best possible care of us while we were in country. He is checking out the by one as they are carried into the hotel lobby by an employee from The Anqing CWI. Notice all the nervous and happy new parents with cameras? Me? I'm standing just out of total shock...wondering which baby is mine. And for the first time ever, I just noticed that Han Tao's head is turned directly towards she knew. I'll be back in a few...I need a Kleenex... after they paraded through the lobby, they proceeded to climb a rather large, rather impressive staircase to the next floor where they settled in what I remember to be as a HUGE conference room...with seven sets of "we can't wait another minute for our baby" parents, grandparents, and siblings close behind.
Two days later we were given the extreme pleasure of visiting the CWI. It was, and continues to be a trip I will treasure. To see how my child spent her first eleven months...where she slept...see the obvious love her caregivers had for her...before she could be with was simply priceless. Made even more precious by the fact that I was unable to travel to China, and share any of these early experiences with Claire.
Mme. Xu is an angel...a true gift from God. Whose beauty, serenity, generosity, and kindness will forever be a part of Hope's life story.
Be blessed y'all,
What a perfectly beautiful story! You obviously had no doubt of what to post for X.
Thank you, on behalf of the ABC Team.
I knew you would pick this for you "X". She was a wonderful woman who cared so much about our daughters. I am so glad our girls were at such a special place before we were able to bring them HOME!!!!! Pam
Dragonstar---Thank you so're right, there was no doubt!
Pam---") I have it made with ideas for the toughest letters! No sweating it out over Q, X, and Z! I had the pictures ready last week...but just couldn't dig around in the emotions it took to write it until yesterday...which by the way, it seems like just yesterday when it all happened.
What a wonderful post! It is fun to see the photos again but even more precious to relive it through your eyes. It was such a special experience for us as well (and we had "been there/done that" a few years earlier!). Thank you for sharing!
LOL Sandy! Glad you stopped by and enjoyed your "quote"! ")
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