I have to admit...I've never been one of those women with a thing for shoes. I spend most of my time barefoot. But lately, I am attracted to these sweet little numbers. Notice the color? You'll see it again...and again...
I have become absolutely addicted to walking. It has been my exercise of choice for a LOT of years. I walked solo for a long time before the girls arrived. Once Hope joined our family I put her in the stroller and we had our daily three miles every morning. When Claire got here it was a little harder. Claire didn't like the stroller...Hope was too big for the stroller...so I had one screaming and one whining because we were going too fast...or too far...or she wanted to go home...you get the idea.
You may remember that I was pretty much a basket case when Hope started Kindergarten. My MAJOR incentive for getting her on the bus in the morning was that as soon as that bus took off, I could go for a walk. Claire finally got used to the stroller and I could get my three mile workouts in again.
Well...school is out...and I was going a bit...ummm...stir crazy without my walks. Garry told me to just start going out at night when he was home to watch the girls. I have to admit, although it thrilled me? I also had doubts. You may have noticed I'm a bit of a hermit? ") Our neighborhood is full of other walkers, kids, lawn mowers, leaf blowers, motorcycles, and general commotion in the evenings. But...I gave it a try. Oh MAN am I glad I did. There have been some evenings I have literally leapt from the dinner table and blown out the door like a shot.
I never really started walking to lose weight. I did have an issue with cholesterol, which the walks have taken care of...the endorphin boost is amazing...I've had to buy all new pants/capris because I've dropped from an 8 to a 6. There are some days that those walks are the only thing that keep my hangnails clutched at my rather tenuous grip on sanity. To have 50 minutes to an hour to clear my head...let the sun shine on my face...feel the breeze in my hair...just let go...see...I told you...I'm addicted.
Possibly the most surprising item that also travels with me is my phone. Noticing a theme yet? So...have I mentioned I don't talk on the phone...unless it's an emergency? Apparently the rush of endorphins has also changed this. I've been known to actually MAKE A CALL myself and not only speak to the person I've called? But ENJOY it as well.
So how far? How fast? How often? Well...since I've been out there on my own again I've added three more pieces to my usual route. I'm fairly certain I'm near at least 5 miles now. As soon as I get a new battery for my pedometer I'll let you know. I'm out there going at a pretty good clip for close to an hour seven nights a week as long as the weather cooperates. And when it doesn't...or even on some days when it does...I'll do an exercise video in the morning...or lift weights...or participate in another one of my current addictions...crunches. I *was* up to 600 but slacked off for a week or so. So right now? I'm only at 450. ; )
Now...if I could just invent some type of rolling laptop stand I could blog...or chat...or Facebook while I walk...oh...wait...I'd need a new green laptop! ")
Hugs y'all,

It must be a red-head thing... I have a green phone too! oh yeah, and I may have bought eyeshadow in a matching colour...
Megs---oooo...eyeshadow...I'm intrigued...
It's by Cover Girl.. I think it's called "Lime Alive". It matches my (and your) phone colour EXACTLY.
So you like green, then? LOL! I like some greens, but not the lime green of the walking shoes. I like soft greens and khaki greens. But I do like walking, and I'm looking forward to taking Sid out for nice long rambles, once I've built his stamina up a bit. ;)
Megs---I'll check it out...I don't know if I can get away with that shade anymore or not...but perhaps I'll try. ;)
Jay---I can't slip anything passed you can I? I do love my electric green...but I also love sage...and jadite is probably my favorite green. Sid is such a lucky greyhound...and you are such the lucky greyhound Mama!
How is Gus? I miss seeing photos of him. One month ago, I rescued a kitten (in memory of Sidney) who kind of looks like Gus!
Take care.
Hi friend! Long time no see ;-) I'm enjoying the sunshine too much to make time for blogging. It's a little bit TOO HOT outside now, that's why I'm finally catching up with you.
So...you have great legs and buttocks from all that walking, a six-pack from all the crunches and boobs thanks to the wonderbra. It makes me a wonderful lime green with envy ;-)
Lots of love,
Beautiful Creation---I am so pleased you have another family member! I look forward to seeing pictures...and yes...I am certainly well behind in posting about Gussie...AND Wally. I promise I'll do better!
Carolina, love---I hear you loud and clear girlfriend! I've yet to get my ABC Wednesday post up this week...and it's already Friday...would that be GHI Friday...or TGI Friday? ") I think I'll print out your comments about your imagined status of my body parts and frame them. Certainly something to aspire to! I love you too my friend!!! xoxoxo
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