Some of you may have noticed...or not...that "The Word Freak" has become part of "Our Journey Continues". Still more of you are scratching your collective heads and wondering, "WTF is 'The Word Freak'?"
Quite simply, it was my other blog. It was meant to be a place for words pictures...quick posts to share quotes, love affair with words.
Well, long story's just easier to have it all in one place. So, this weekend I moved the fifteen posts that called "The Word Freak" their home, to their new digs here at "Our Journey Continues". If you've somehow missed these award winning pieces of literature you can do a search for "The Word Freak" at the top of the page...or click on "The Word Freak" in the "Labels" under each post...or just go read them before I delete the other blog!
Or not...totally up to you. I'll never know. ")