The reason I can't listen to any of my own CD's and have to be content with Hannah Montana, The Imagination Movers, and every Disney soundtrack known to humanity...
The reason I have toothpaste on every conceivable bathroom surface...yes...even the toilet...
The reason I get out of bed in the morning...the reason I draw breath...the reason my heart overflows with love every single time I look at them...the reason my heart will ache as they continue to grow...the reason God gave me life...my purpose...my daughters...
As always...be blessed y'all...Happy Mother's Day...
The copyright for these images is retained by Kiddie Kandids. Please do not copy. Besides...that's just creepy...taking my children's pictures from my blog! ")
I thought the song from last week's post was equally appropriate for this one! In My Daughter's Eyes can be found on my playlist at the bottom of this page. Feel free to turn it on...or off...or up...again!
You have two lovely daughters. Take care of yourselves and them.
I hoPe you have a Phantastic Mother's Day.
Very cute girls!
Really, really cute.
Not only are your daughters beautiful, but also the words you have chosen to express a little bit of frustration contrasted with a whole lot of love.
Beautiful girls....
Love the way you expressed your personal purpose. Beautiful children and the best reason in the world to get up in the morning.
What a beautiful tribute to motherhood.
Pretty girls - purpose is a wonderful thing! Perfect post!
What two lovely daughters that you have! Happy mother's day.
The reason for living is very beautifully worded and the children are adorable! Thanks for sharing.
I have toothpaste on my toilet seat too! How do kids manage it? They are just gorgeous!
Gosh, that was a really touching post! The reason why I thought you deserve the Zombie Chicken Award! I so love the way you write. And your daughters are sooooo beautiful!
Hugs xx
Aww. Just so sweet. You are making me cry. Such a wonderful post. And what beautiful little ladies. :)
Hope you have a wonderful Mother's Day!
kadermo, Mara, Your EG Tour Guide, Babooshka, Carol---Many, MANY thanks...they are gorgeous...but then I'm prejudiced!
Granny Smith---that was exactly what I was trying to convey!
photowannabe---I had no idea what I was going to do for the P post until I sat down at the computer...honestly I think it's one of my best!
Rena, Tumblewords, Grace & Bradley, Reader Wil---thank YOU for your kind words...those girls truly are my life...
Marie Reed---somehow I feel better knowing it's not just ME with toothpaste all over my toilet! ; )
Carolina---I love you my friend...even if you DIDN'T award me the Zombie Chicken!
Kat---just returning the favor...I've used many a Kleenex while visiting your blog! ; )
They are beautiful girls! I found a purpose with motherhood, too.
while I truly love & enjoy reading ALL your entries...I found this one to be especially *beautiful*
Happy Mother's Day to one awesomely wonderful Mama <3
BEAUTIFUL PICTURES!!! ...your words brought tears to my eyes.... you are an amazing mom! Happy Mother's day!
jay---many thanks as always!
Twinks---I think you may be just the slightest bit prejudiced!
Dena---coming from you that means SO much to me. Thank YOU!
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