Hey! Look! I got an award!!!!!
According to the always entertaining, and Best Bloggin' Buddy Carolina:
This award acknowledges the values that every blogger shows in his/her effort to transmit cultural, ethical, literary and personal values every day.
Now...there has been some discussion as to what those itty bitty (what I'm guessing) are words say. Well thank the heavens above for Jay, who besides being World's Best Greyhound Mum and THE Quintessential Johnny Depp fan...took the time to trace the origins of this award and save thousands of us from permanent eye strain. You can read her findings here.
This award comes with the stipulation that you pass it on to 15 other bloggers. As you well know by now I take these stipulations and toss them to the breeze. It's the only way I can delude myself into imagining I have some sort of control over my life.
SO! I'd like to present this to:
1. Xue
2. Carol
I would of course give one to Carolina...but she gave it to me.
Jay deserves one too...but Carolina beat me to it.
Moannie needs one too...but I see she already has one in her trophy case.
Thank you BBB! xoxoxo

Congratulations on your well derserved award! :)
Xie Xie Mel ! And congratulations on yours too!
Well done, dear BBB!
A truly well earned tribute and thank you so much for even thinking of me.XO
Thanks y'all...and Moannie...and I can only aspire to be a small fraction of the writer and story teller you are.
hehe, congratulations! And thank goodness for Jay's perseverance ;)
Congratulations! And thanks for the compliments and the hat-tip! :)
Reading your words reminded me of my dogs, and just then your music player kicked in with the words 'let it go, it will get easier'.
I usually turn the music off, but I must say that seemed apposite this morning.
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