Wednesday, October 19, 2005

All right...I told you we asked the only two people we knew of to ask about our LID. I also told you that one of them ignored the question. This happens frequently when I ask this person a question but all is forgiven because this person is busier most days than I believe God Himself is. I forgot however that I have a secret weapon against this person. My secret weapon always seems to get an answer and doesn't give up until she does. I refer to what she does as "poking him with a sharp stick for me." Well, she's worked her magic, sharpened that pointed stick once again and...

ladies and gentlemen...drum roll please...

Our official LID is August 25th!

As my husband just told me, "It's later than I hoped for but at least we know we are logged in and that's the important thing."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great Blog you have here! I am going to bookmark this one....

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