The story of actually getting my tattoo is one worth sharing. When I took the PDF of my completed design to the Absolute Tattoo Company to get an estimate on cost and when I could have it done, I went on a Friday afternoon and I took Claire with me. You would've thought I was a regular at this place the way I walked into the door and started talking with these guys. I'm still kind of in shock...but I'm also in awe of myself. It was like "Old Mel" was standing outside the window watching "New Mel" take charge. "New Mel" rocks out loud by the way. ; ) Anyway, this young...shoot, they're ALL young...guy comes up to the counter...multiple his face...and I ask him several questions. He takes my design into the back, talks to another young guy covered in ink, comes back out and quotes me a price. I then asked if I could make an appointment. He said, "Yes" then disappeared again. When he returned he said, "How about now?" I looked at him, pointed to the three year old child I had balanced on my hip, and said, "Umm? Dude?" He assured me that it was ok, other people bring their kids in all the time. I assured him that that wasn't going to happen in this case. I wasn't going to try and corral her while needles were buzzing my back. I told him I'd see him the next day at 2.
When I arrived on Saturday they were waiting for me. Everyone there, every single person, employee or client, was extremely kind and welcoming and just generally nice to be around. My artist, Marv, took his time explaining what was going to happen, what it would feel like, what I should do and not do, then asked me if I was ready. I said, "Marv? Should I take my shirt off?" He said, "Oh...yeah." I took my shirt off. Then I said, "Marv? How about the strap? You want that down?" He said, "Oh...yeah." I pushed my bra strap down my arm. Finally I said, "Marv? Would you like me to get my hair out of the way?" You can guess his answer, right? I have NO idea if these guys are used to dealing with women my age...or what. But they were all hilarious. It's like they didn't know how to act. One of them would drop an f-bomb and Marv would apologize. I assured him it was ok...I had heard that word at least once before and may have even used it on occasion.
Marv was very gentle with me, asked me continuously if I was all right. The other two youngsters that I had dealt with the day before each came over separately to check on me as well. What was SO funny to me is once they saw what Marv was doing? The first thing they said, in the same incredulous tone, was, "Oh WOW! This is your FIRST tattoo?" After that it was, "How are you doing? Are you ok?" Followed closely by, "Looks really good!" So what does that mean? I look to the outside world like I'm covered with hidden ink? LOL I mean it folks, I would go back there in a heartbeat. It was a 100% positive that makes me smile even now as I'm writing about it.
Let's talk some more about comfort...and tattoos...and $80 hoodies...
This summer, much to the surprise of everyone who knows me, I turned off my television. I'm the girl who has it on 24/7.'s gone from 24/7 to zero. Yes, it's on for a couple of hours for Claire and Hope to catch Sesame Street, Max & Ruby, Phineas and Ferb, or any number of the other shows they are allowed to watch. But I haven't watched anything since...June maybe? Wow...even I'm amazed. The only thing I have been watching is Saving Grace...and I've been doing that on my laptop. I get TREMENDOUS peace from curling up in bed with my small screen and catching up with Grace. For those of you not familiar with Saving Grace you can read about it here.

So what does all this have to do with $80 hoodies? Shortly before I took my road trip, I watched an episode titled, "Am I Going To Lose Her?" In this episode, Grace is kidnapped by a childhood friend who has long stopped taking his meds for his schizophrenia. He ties Grace between two supports, tears her shirt off, drugs her, and tattoos her back. At the end of the episode the tattoo is revealed. He has given her...wings. Without giving away any more of the episode for those who may want to watch it, it had a very powerful affect on me. So several days later, as my demons were threatening to get the best of me I walked into Buckle and saw this exquisite creation staring at me:

And that is the story behind the $80 hoodie! :)
As always, be blessed y'all,

I have SO much to say to you, Mel...but not a phone soon as I can climb out from under this pile of rabbits!!
Oh man. So many questions. Where to begin? I HAVE to know what your tattoo looks like. I must! My brother is a tattoo artist and is quite a gentleman as well, so I thoroughly enjoy hearing of other tattoo artists that are not the typical stereotype. I love that your experience was so fabulous. Yeah!
How did you quit the tv cold turkey? Perhaps I should try this. I'm becoming addicted. ;)
LOVE the hoodie. Very cool.
Great post! :)
Hey Kat! How's that gorgeous little princess of yours?
Pix of my ink are in the post right before this one.
Oh, I didn't quit cold turkey. I just substituted one obsession for another. It was either give up sleep, my laptop, or tv. So far, sleep and my laptop are winning!
It's beautiful. So you're an angel with a heart of gold. And you have the outfit to prove it ;-)
Carolina...honestly, how could I *not* love you? I guess you didn't see the word SINFUL written between the wings? ;)
Oh yeah ... we need a picture of that tattoo! Sounds like a good one! The hoodie is good, too!
Good for you, getting out there and getting it done! Love the story of the tattoo parlour guys. How funny!
Oops, no, didn't see that, but since I've been living in sin for about 24 years now, I don't mind sinful people. As long as they are harmless sins.
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