No...not ME! ")
Yes...that sweet young thing was me on my wedding day...November 1, 1986. All of twenty three years old...and by the looks of things about 96 pounds soaking wet. It was a gorgeous night...unseasonably warm...just awesome.
I'm sure you are familiar with the tradition of the bride having or carrying something on her person...something old...something new...something borrowed...something blue. My old and my borrowed were the same thing. I had the same penny in my shoe that my mother had in her shoe when she married my dad. My new was my dress...and my blue? Well my eyes of course!
I would like you to focus on the bride's bouquet as it is what inspired this post. Those gorgeous white roses are silk. I had spent an inordinate amount of time with the florist trying to get him to understand exactly what I wanted as to my floral selections...and my bouquet, thank God, was the only thing he got right! There was one moment of blind panic when at the reception, someone spilled bright red punch all over it...but it all came out...and it still survives! I'm looking at it right now as I'm typing. I have it in a small rattan basket next to my desk.
Lately it appears, it draws not only my admiration, but also Wally's. The black and white fifteen pound feline has decided that this work of art is his sworn enemy. I have been finding bits, pieces, stems, buds, baby's breath, et al in every room...including the basement. Last week I decided enough is enough. He won't stay away from it...I'm tired of keeping the door closed...I'm just pitching it. And then...I remembered...something old...
You know...I'm an older parent. Yes, I know there are plenty of other parents out there older than I am...but I can't help think about it. I WANT to be around to see my girls grow...mature...and become the strong, confident women that they are destined to become. I want to see them graduate from high school and college...find someone they want to spend the rest of their lives with...hold my grandchildren. But I also know that there are a lot of variables in this life and I just might...with even the slightest of chances...not be able to.
But the bouquet? It's survived 23 years...even WITH Wally's maulings. So I'm going to take it apart and save a handful of blooms for each girl. And maybe...just maybe...someday...I'll get to see those blooms again in Hope's and Claire's wedding bouquets.
Be blessed y'all,

In My Daughter's Eyes can be found on my playlist at the bottom of this page. Feel free to turn it on...or off...or up!
You should have called it YOUNG ;-)
Compared to an old guy like me... ; though you were not unlike my wife 37 years ago.
You were a beautiful bride Mel and what a beautiful bouquet :)
Beautiful bride indeed! and a terrific photo! Thanks for sharing, Mel!
What a lovely "remembering." Your daughters will cherish the bits and pieces you choose from your lovely bouquet.
Wonderful "O."
A beautiful bride. Amazing story of your bouquet - glad you arrived at a solution to salvage some for the girls. Nice!
Aww, what a meanie (Wally). It's pretty cool that your mom managed to keep the penny all those years, and that you got to have it in your shoe. Must be a very lucky one :)
Also, I'm glad that I'm apparently not the only one who's heard that for a penny to be lucky you're supposed to put it in your shoe..
I wanted to subscribe, but the link wasn't there the first time. Weird. Now it is.
What a lovely post. You were a beautiful bride. A great idea to have silk flowers. The problem with bridal bouquets is that they are gone after some days. Wonderful to save flowers for your girls. Thanks for sharing this post.
Do you think the punch that was spilled on the bouquet has anything to do with Wally's interest to it!!?? Nice psot.
Sweet post.
What a lovely post! I love the idea of the penny in the shoe, being handed down to bride after bride. So sweet!
And I love the idea of you having a silk bouquet, and splitting it for your daughters, too! Lovely!
What a perfect post for today! And I love your daughters' names! You made a beautiful bride and I'm sure you have lots of beautiful memories of that day! :D
honey, I've awarded you with a crazy award. It's over at my place if you like to pick it up.
RuneE---you are now and forever my FAVORITE guest...drop by anytime! ; )
Anna, Sylvia K., spacedlaw, Leslie---thank you for your kind words...I was such a youngster! lol
Pat, Tumblewords, Reader Wil, Jay---with neither of our girls having any information about their birthparents, we try VERY hard to establish any type of tradition with them early on so they have a history that belongs to THEM...we think the flowers from my bouquet will do just that...
pictureeachday---my mother saves everything...seriously...EVERYTHING...it's kind of scary! lol
Grace & Bradley---I never thought of that! ")
Carolina---If it's from you, I WANT it! ; )
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