The Chinese LOVE to bundle their babies. The single most important rule we learned before being handed our first bundle was, "KEEP BABY WARM!!!" Doesn't matter if it's 40 degrees or 95 degrees that baby needs to be bundled tight! And lest you forget? They are not shy about coming up to you on the street and letting you know you are NOT following that rule. This picture was taken, we are assuming, in late February of 2003. We didn't even know that little bundle existed until the fall of 2003.

We have absolutely no idea when this photo was taken. We were EXCEEDINGLY blessed by the fact that the Anqing Children's Welfare Institution where Hope spent her first eleven months of life, took several pictures of her at various ages during her stay there. This was one of them...we call this bundle "Baby Buddha".

And this? This was the best bundle I ever unwrapped! ") When she was handed to me she was wearing a diaper, two pairs of pants, two pairs of socks, a shirt, and a hooded sweater. This was Gotcha Day...January 29, 2004...shortly after Zhu Han Tao...soon to be known as Hope...had her first bath from her new Mama and Daddy.

Bundle #2!!! Notice how Daddy is dressed? Notice how Qian Li Lu is dressed? This is Claire's Gotcha Day, January 22, 2007. She was wearing a diaper, two pairs of pants, a shirt, a sweater, a padded hooded jacket, socks, and a pair of shoes.

Daddy and Claire on the bus ride back to the hotel after meeting for the first time. Again...notice how Daddy is dressed...but he is also keeping that precious bundle WARM!

Claire, unbundled and waiting at the airport for the flight to Guangzhou.

And...in case anyone from China is reading...please notice my two precious bundles playing in the snow on New Year's day! I am doing my best to "KEEP BABIES WARM!"
Great photos.... beautiful baby girls... so nice of you to share this...
VERY precious bundles!
This was so adorable! I love your baby bundles. They are precious. How wonderful that you were able to adopt such lovely babies. What a gift! Your blog is really beautiful. I am glad you joined ABC Wednesday. It is lots of fun!
Well, your C will Clearly be Claire? Your Babies are Beautiful little Bundles! And I love your writing, the picture of Baby Buddha made my Coffee (I might have an idea for C now) come back through my nose (many thanks for that!). And now I'm off to become a 'follower' of your blog!
That is awesome! What a beautiful post! It brought tears to my eyes. What gorgeous babies you have!!!!!! :)
I love your bundles so very much. I love you for giving them a home and love and a future so different from the one they might have had.I love you for sharing them with us. I love this post so much that I wrote this comment in capitals, but it was rejected.
Okay....I'm cryin' again, Mel!! They are just so so beautiful. (Gary's not bad, either!)
Carol and David...thank you as ALWAYS for dropping by and leaving such kind words.
Life with Kaishon...thanks for the welcome! I'm enjoying ABC Wednesday A LOT!
Carolina...you rock girlfriend. You...and your boots...and your African Bowl...AND your coffee are welcome here anytime. Whoo hoo! Another member of Mel's Posse!
Kat, Moannie, & Auntie Caro Rose...well...the three of y'all made me cry with your sweet comments. It was five years ago TODAY that my precious Hopie was placed in my arms. Where does the time go? And Moannie? BLAST BLOGGER FOR NOT ALLOWING ALL CAPS! I wonder if it will take mine? ; )
Oh my gosh, they are so beautiful! It's amazing to see how much they've grown too, from the baby pictures to the one of them playing in the snow.
'Baby Buddha' really cracked me up.. it reminded me of the little brother in "A Christmas Story," if you've ever seen it :)
pictureeachday...ROTFL! That is my favorite movie of all time...and so help me I never noticed the frightening resemblance until now! The poor thing couldn't put her arms down for 11 months!
Darling baby bundles!
Awww! Baby Bundles!! My, they do like to keep them warm, don't they? Is it that cold in China, or is it just to keep them sleepy?
Great post for ABC Wednesday! :)
Tumblewords...coos and compliments about my bundles are always much appreciated!
Jay...it didn't matter where we were in China or what the temp was...those babies were bundled tight! It was in the mid 60's F. in Guangzhou and Claire was dressed in long sleeves, long pants, sock and shoes. Garry had her blanket in his hand and she was in the baby carrier strapped to his front. Someone came up to him, took the blanket, wrapped it around her, then walked away. Remember...keep baby warm! ;)
The Chinese word "bao" can mean "wrap" or "baby" or "treasure" or "carry" when pronounced differently. How apt all these pronunciations are, for you, your children & your post.
Hallo Mel, I'm back again to thank you for visiting me and for your comments. And on the subject of my post...could there be more serendipity than your finding your two most precious bundle?
Xue...that is awesome...this is the first year we've called the "lucky money" hong bao! Thank goodness I've found your blog and you can continue to educate me!
Moannie...you know you are welcome anytime. I can't tell you how many people have told us how much the girls are LIKE Garry and myself...and have been since they joined us. They are definitely ours! Again...all because two people fell in love...
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